Driving in January is something that I dread. In fact, I sometimes have so much fear that I just stay home. I avoid as much as possible to go outside. My track record these past few years has not been so good. Last year when I was pregnant, I did not work parties that meant driving on those roads. That is the honest truth!
In January 2004, I hit two deer in the month of January on my way home from work. It totaled the car and yet I was fine. I had a difficult time driving in Sugar Grove on the I-88 entrance for quite some time afterwards and was always on the look out for deer.
In January 2007, I off-roaded in the Subaru Outback around the 'S' curve on a road in Big Rock. Never before had my all-wheel drive vehicle decide that curves would bring on a new meaning when it was icy. I landed in the ditch - yet the car was drivable and I made my final 2 miles home. I was 7 months pregnant at the time with the twins.
In January 2008, I was on my way to Plano on Eldemain road to an event when it was 20 below degree windchill. That particular night, the snow was drifting. I had a hard time seeing. I didn't realize that near the Railroad crossing that there was a cement middle in the intersection in the road. Trying to avoid driving over it - I swerved and landed on the Railroad tracks. I pulled out of the tracks. I took a deep breath, got out of my car for a quick assessment and got to my destination. The entire night, I was so worried about having to drive home again that night...but I made it!
Last year - I avoided driving at all on either of those two roads as I was pregnant due with Katarina any day.
So needless to say - ANYTIME I have to drive on Jericho Road or Eldemain Road in the winter, I get a mini panic attic. I pack my car for the 'what-if' and I try to add extra time.
Tonight, after sleet and a little bit of rain, I knew I had to go on BOTH of those roads to my destination. Was I nervous? Yes. Was I wishing I could just crawl in bed. Absolutely.
However, I kept reminding myself what FEAR is.
"False Evidence Appearing Real"
I know I cannot avoid these roads forever. In fact, these roads are a staple to where I live. small town America where it goes miles before stop signs or stoplights. Darrin will tell you that I will call him at work obsessing about weather conditions and driving on two particular areas near where I live.
So, how am I going to overcome this 'fear' of driving in January. I cannot reach my dreams or goals by sitting at home.
How can I turn 'Fear' into a POSITIVE future?
Fear precedes Growth.
If I confront my fear - will I develop skills or learn something new that I would not learn otherwise?
If I focus on what I want versus what I am afraid of - what will I gain? Instead of worrying about the 'what if I end up on the side of the ditch again'. I should say, 'What will I gain from going to that event?'
I also reminded myself that people change when the fear of staying the same is greater then the fear of change. I want more in life! I can't do that by staying at home.
It's mid January and I am am constantly having to say positive thoughts in my head about winter driving. FEAR can paralyze a person from moving forward and reaching new destinations.
I want to be the Driver who gets to control my destination. My new affirmation to myself when driving on those roads will be, "What is something NEW that I will gain today that I would have missed otherwise?"
Tonight, I was gently reminded of a beautiful home that sits right in the middle of the 'S' curve that is on the housing market. Hmmmmm...now, wouldn't that make a nice home for somebody. I am sure that they cannot be fearful living out there?
You need to ice race or autocross!!
ReplyDeleteI'd say there's clarity coming from your reflections. It might say icy roads and it might mean MK?