Where the Dreams Begin...

Where the Dreams Begin...

Monday, January 3, 2011


I hear all the time, "Your kids are growing up.  Look how tall they are"!
If you have kids, you know what I mean.  This happens especially around the holiday season when friends and distant relatives get together for festivities.

Just the other day, I took a peek into Katarina's crib and saw her.  I was amazed!  Did she grow overnight?  What happened to my baby who could cuddle in my arms.  Now, her arms and legs are dangling over 1/2 the crib!  Even I am amazed at how quickly a year can go by and my little baby is almost a year old.

Growth comes in many shapes and sizes which can include physical, emotional, and spiritual growth.

Caterpillars, pass through various phases of growth, known as instars. They then shed an outer layer and moult. This happens after every growth stage.  The complete butterfly life cycle can take anywhere from a month to a year depending on the species.

In early January, many people make New Years Resolutions hoping to moult and perhaps shed a few extra pounds, eat healthier, save money, or perhaps go to church more often, etc.

Children are constantly entering in and out of  the 'instar' stage. How do they moult?  They may shed a tear or two when they learn that they cannot always get what they want.  However, over time, they will realize that treating others with respect and/or sharing toys.  They will grow in confidence and love.

If we look at 'growing' in 2011, what are we willing to shed so we can grow?

We can't keep all the physical and emotional baggage.
What will be an end result for someone who is willing to 'shed' something?

By the time, the last instar phase is reached, development of wings begins to take place on the caterpillar.

I can't wait to see that phase begin!

1 comment:

  1. My blog has allowed me to shed a lot of emotion that comes from watching 5 kids grow before my very eyes...

    Some might say a caterpillar goes through "stages" but really they are just enduring a revolution of transformation? :o)

    Love the blog Rebecca! I'm glad I'm not the only one blogging... it's fun isn't it?!

    Let me know if you want me to talk through adding a custom header. It's pretty easy, so let me know, it wouldn't take long... you'd just have to send me a few photos you want included in it.
