Where the Dreams Begin...

Where the Dreams Begin...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Butterfly Experiment

Some may wonder why I entitled my Blog, "The Butterfly Experiment".
I decided a while back that my theme for 2011 is  'change'. 
This goes hand in hand with my blog:  Butterfly Experiment.

Have you ever really thought about how caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies?

Just like butterflies, life is full of transformations.  Mine has included balancing a career then having multiple children in a few short years (four kids ages 5 and younger).  
I have needed to learn how to juggle the duties of mom, wife, business leader, sales person, friend, daughter, etc.  It can be exhausting at times!

One night after coming home from a meeting, I had complete peace of mind thinking about butterflies.   I wrote the following a few months ago in my car and it shares why I love the thought of butterflies.
I turned the car light on and I started writing.

It is almost 10pm and completely dark outside except the light from my car and the sound of a long freight train in front of me.

What should I write about? 
What lessons can I learn while being a caterpillar?
What do I ‘think’ being in a cocoon is like?  Can I be patient?
What do I “think’ being a butterfly will feel and look like?  Will I celebrate this celebration?

My life is like a caterpillar. I am living in a cocoon in constant transformation.  What will life look like once it is time and ready to become a butterfly?

I am on a journey.

I envision seeing my kids giggling with silly caterpillars at a home that fits our needs as a growing family.  I see myself as one of those caterpillars.

I think springtime is when butterflies blossom.  Would it just be amazing if I can fly by then?

I think transformation is starting to happen.  What will I learn along the way?

Winter is upon us now but trasnformations happen every season of the year.  Butterflies bring me peace of mind.

As I close this very first blog...I am ready to being a new season of my life and journey.

What will happen during this Butterfly Experiment?  Will you join me? 

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