Where the Dreams Begin...

Where the Dreams Begin...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pushing the Butterfly

Did you know that if someone or something tries to push the butterfly to come out of the cocoon before it is ready to come out, it will die?
The butterfly has to decide, on its own, when to emerge from the cocoon when the time is right.

I love this thought....Surely, there has been many moments in my life that I can apply this thought.

What is something that someone else has wanted for me more then myself?  However, despite them saying that we can do it (or that they believe in us), it doesn't happen?  Is that because I didn't actually believe myself or take the first intentional step to making it happen?  Maybe the dream didn't happen as I didn't invest myself in that dream?  Maybe, I didn't tell others.  Perhaps, I didn't write it down.
Despite all the cheerleaders in the world, it depends on ME to make the first step to making it happen.

I am sure the cocoon can be lonely, cold and dark.  However, the beautiful world awaits me when I am ready.  It can even be scary. 

However, like Martin Luther King Jr. once said, "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the entire staircase."

I may not always know exactly where I am going....but knowing that as long as I dream, I WILL eventually fly when I am meant to fly.

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