Today, I was able to explore a little bit of our newly acquired land. Due to the coldness of weather and moving, I haven't had a chance to really walk outside. This was my first outing by myself.
With our property came some greenhouses and a second garage. I decided to take a quick exploration. I knew that there were potting buckets and items in the garage but really never took into account what there was. With springtime weather coming forward, I wanted to start creating a plan of what I would be doing with these items this year. Use them, sell them, or recyle them (among a million other gardening things).
What I thought was a pile of 500 or so buckets....amounted to well over 10,000. Now, I truly do not know how many there are but when there is a package that says 6000 buckets (and it looks pretty full) and many other opened cases that say 350 enclosed - I KNOW that there are more pots then I could ever imagine filling.
There is also potting station in the garage with some bags of dirt. Some of the dirt was already in buckets waiting for the plants. Other bags of dirt unopened.
In one of the greenhouses were dead hostas/grasses that were put in buckets with descriptions attached to them. These must not had sold prior to them closing. Although these items will not come back alive - the descriptions give me a dream and a hope of what to look for this springtime in the vast areas of my yard.
I thought about how dreams sometimes are created and some of the work has been cultivated. However, with dreams, they can also be shattered when something happens that was not planned.
Lessons of the Day:
I know that gardening has never been a passion of mine. However, those empty buckets symbolized more then a need to garden (as I am still not sure that is my ultimate calling) gave me thoughts to fill those buckets. Fill those buckets with dreams - one seed at a time.
I need to have a bucket list in life. Because that bucket list will create the path that I will ultimately follow. Without that long-term strategic plan, how would I know which direction to follow?
The seeds that I need to fill those buckets are action steps. Action steps that ultimately allign that strategic plan. Seeds grow into plants. They in turn multiply and subdivide into additional plants that can be offsprings to new homes and families.
The bucket list would ultimately be a cultivation of hard work, surrounding myself with positive and enriching people, and creating memories with my family that would spread into a lifetime of dreams achieved.
I have felt so at peace since moving to our new home. Dreams are created and dreams are being visualized one seed at a time.